
INESC TEC Client for TNO Security Gateway (TSG) Dataspace Components (TSG-Client)

License Version Status Python CI UnitTEST


TSG Client is a Python library for interacting with the TNO Security Gateway (TSG). It is current version, it is a simple REST API client that interacts with TSG Core Connector APIs and TSG OpenAPI Data APP. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for tasks such as:

This document provides detailed instructions for setting up the INESC TEC Client for TNO Security Gateway (TSG-Client) environment. Please follow these steps carefully to ensure successful configuration and deployment.

NOTE: This library assumes that you have a running instance of the TSG Core Connector and OpenAPI Data APP. For this, please follow the Official TSG Documentation.

WARNING: This library is under active development and is not yet recommended for production use at this time.

IMPORTANT: This development is an internal initiative from INESC TEC within ENERSHARE, and it is not officially maintained/supported by TNO team.

Documentation & Examples

A detailed documentation is available here. Python example scripts (and respective description) are also available in the examples directory of the repository.


Base Requirements

Installation steps

Installing as a package

Although the tsg-client is not yet published on public Python repositories of software (e.g., PyPI), you can install it (as a package) by directly referencing this repository URL.

You can use the command below to install it directly using pip.

pip install git+https://github.com/CPES-Power-and-Energy-Systems/tsg-client.git

Do not forget that you will need to set up some environment variables to use this library. You can find a more detailed documentation here.

Cloning and local installation

If you want to modify the source code of this library, it is recommended to clone and then use Poetry to create a virtual environment to install the library dependencies and do any modifications needed.

To do this, please follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/CPES-Power-and-Energy-Systems/tsg-client.git
  1. Assuming you have Poetry installed, run the following command to install the required dependencies:
poetry install
  1. Activate the virtual environment*:
poetry shell

Now you are ready to use the TSG-Client.

*It’s possible to use poetry without virtual environments (although recommended). For more info see Poetry documentation.

Adding new dependencies

To add a new dependency to the project, use the following command:

$ poetry add <package-name>

Poetry will automatically update the pyproject.toml file and install the new package.


To get started, check out the examples in the examples directory. These examples demonstrate how to instanciate the TSGController and use the multiple functionalities of TSG Client.


If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact the following people:

Developers (SW source code / methodology questions):