
Welcome to TSG Client’s documentation!

TSG Client is a Python library for interacting with the TNO Security Gateway (TSG). It is current version, it is a simple REST API client that interacts with TSG Core Connector APIs and TSG OpenAPI Data APP. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for tasks such as:

  • Connecting to a TSG core container (via API KEY)

  • Retrieving connector self-descriptions

  • Parsing / filtering connector catalogs and artifacts, retrieved from self-descriptions

  • Requesting and consuming data artifacts (via dataspace)

  • Queries to the dataspace Metadata Broker to list registered connectors and respective self-descriptions

  • Perform requests via OpenAPI Data APP

This document provides detailed instructions for setting up the INESC TEC Client for TNO Security Gateway (TSG-Client) environment. Please follow these steps carefully to ensure successful configuration and deployment.

Indices and tables